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Photobucket + HostingPics : ACHTUNG!
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Lonestar Hors ligne
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Messages : 3 850
Inscription : May 2015
Lieu : Au bord du Léman
Humeur : Ploploplop @1500rpm
Message : #59
Envoyé le 03-07-2017 à 10:37

C'est un train de devenir un scandale planetaire... Mais pas ici, hein, ici on fait des impressions papiers et on les stocke dans une boite a biscuit en metal, des fois que Exclamation

Une interpretation interessante du phenomene sur un autre forum que je frequente:

oh i've known about it for years. there is unseen consequences yet to come

but people will figure out how big a nuke was dropped on the internet soon.

i run numerous websites, and forums, i'm also admin and moderator on a few others.

for a few years we have seen traffic of forum users going to facebook groups or google+ groups.

by losing photobucket for easy hosting of photos they effectively just nuked Forums like this out of existence.

Google stopped allowing 3rd party hotlinking a few months ago.

i have gone through photobucket ruining my accounts and albums for years now, each time i have to start all over again. at this point it would be months of me relinking dead photos in 10000000s of threads i have made. that is not going to happen this time.

in the short term people are scrambling to go to other free host services. this will quickly overload them and start a cascade effect of them switching to pay sites. that leaves social media as the main load holder. thus it is easier for the entire user group to flip over to facebook in even greater numbers then before.

daily content will drop off even more then usual. there will be no reliable free hoster of images and the entire thing will grind to a halt.

we have all seen the massive drop in user content over the last few years on all forums, now it will accelerate.

Ca serait commandite par Zuck et consorts que ca m'etonnerait pas, c't'histoire!
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[] - Lonestar - 30-06-2017, 14:35
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